Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Cup of Vertigo with a Dollop of Flu

Sorry I have been absent for a while. Lame! I know. I was scheduled to have a coffee date for this weekend but it turns out it will be canceled. Why? Well, in the words of Bono: Uno, Dos, Tres...Catorce!! Yup, I've got a minor case of vertigo topped with a dollop of flu. Yummy, right? Oh well, I keep marching forward (or rather laying down and sleeping a lot). All one can do in these circumstances is drink plenty of fluids and keep a positive attitude, and while I say plenty of fluids, coffee is NOT one of those fluids at the moment--can you imagine the effects that would have on me with my vertigo condition?? Too funny.

But, on a positive note, I wanted to let you all know that I was accepted in to Graduate School at the University of Minnesota and am STOKED! Praise God! Although the wait was long and horrible, the end result was very exciting (but I'm not even going to say, "It was well worth the wait" even if I do believe it...I just refuse).

This is probably the shortest post I have ever made, but since I am currently ill at the moment I feel it is best. I simply wanted to update you all and let you know that I have not forgotten my blog.

Until the next coffee date (and please be drinking coffee for me, I miss it!), cheers!